7TV Pulp Wargame

“When starting my internship with 7TV Pulp I knew it would be of great help to future work opportunities, I just didn’t realise how much.” - Francesca McMahon, 7TV Pulp Blog.

7TV: Pulp is a tabletop skirmish game inspired by the American cinema serials and pulp magazines of the 1930s and 1940s. It is the product of a unique collaboration between Crooked Dice Game Design Studio, developers of 7TV and 7TV: Apocalypse, and Creative Writing students from Edge Hill University in the northwest of England.

The collaborative project was one of Francesca's first experiences with the publishing and gaming industry.

Debuted at Birmingham Games Expo 2019

This was a two-years in the work project. Francesca was involved in the first year of the creating of the game, characters, system mechanics, and style alongside 12 others. This success and experience led to further publication opportunities.

To play and learn more about the game: Click this link to Crooked Dice’s 7TV Pulp Page.


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